112 research outputs found


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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender a dinâmica e os conteúdos socioespaciais e políticos da habitação popular na cidade de Ituiutaba. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, realizaram-se levantamentos e leituras de materiais bibliográficos sobre produção do espaço urbano, com foco na questão da habitação popular, no âmbito da urbanização brasileira e de Ituiutaba (MG). Somado a esses procedimentos, efetuaram-se coleta de dados primários e secundários sobre as características da construção dos conjuntos habitacionais produzidos por diferentes esferas do governo em parceria com construtoras privadas e sobre os principais problemas habitacionais existentes particularmente em três bairros populares de Ituiutaba. A discussão teórica e a interpretação dos dados coletados permitiram analisar o espaço intra-urbano de Ituiutaba por meio das diferentes questões habitacionais existentes na cidade. Além disso, possibilitaram (re)conhecer que os conjuntos habitacionais construídos pelo Estado na periferia de Ituiutaba tem provocado impactos sociais positivos mas também negativos

    Qualidade de vida e autoeficácia em atletas brasileiros de voleibol de rendimento

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    Este estudo investigou a associação entre a qualidade de vida (QV) e a autoeficácia de atletas de voleibol de alto rendimento. Participaram da pesquisa 86 atletas de nível municipal, estadual e nacional. Como instrumentos foram utilizados a Escala de Auto Eficácia Geral Percebida e o Formulário Curto Para Pesquisa em Saúde (SF-36). Na análise dos dados, utilizou-se o teste de Kolmogorov Smirnov, Kurskal-Wallis, Friedman e Qui-quadrado (p<0,05). Os resultados evidenciaram que os atletas apresentaram boa QV, entretanto, não houve diferença signifi cativa em função do nível competitivo (p>0,05). Ao comparar a QV intragrupos, o domínio que mais se destacou em todos os grupos foi a capacidade funcional (p<0,05). Em relação à faixa etária, verificou-se que os atletas mais velhos apresentaram maior limitação por aspectos físicos em comparação aos adultos jovens (P<0,05), os quais por sua vez  demonstraram menor QV em relação à dor em comparação com os jovens atletas (p<0,05). Os domínios de Vitalidade, Aspectos sociais e Limitação por aspectos emocionais da QV apresentaram associação com o alto nível de autoeficácia (p<0,05). Concluiu-se que o contexto de alto rendimento do voleibol brasileiro pode ser considerado um ambiente propulsor de QV para os atletas, além do que a autoeficácia é um elemento interveniente na QV de atletas de voleibol de alto rendimento.This study investigated the association between life quality (LQ) and self-effi cacy among high-performance volleyball athletes. Participants were 86 athletes from local, state and national level. The instruments used were the General Perceived Self-Effi cacy Scale and the Short Form for Health Research (SF-36). For data analysis, it was used the Kolmogorov-Smirno, Kurskal-Wallis, Friedman and Chi-Square tests (p <0,05). The results showed that athletes had good LQ, however, there was no signifi cant difference according to the competitive level (p>0,05). When compared the intra-group LQ, the domain that stood out in all groups was the functional capacity (p<0,05). In terms of age, it was found that older athletes showed greater limitations due to physical aspects compared to young adults (p<0,05), which in turn demonstrated lower LQ related to pain compared to youth athletes (p<0,05). The domains of vitality, social aspects and limitation by emotional aspects were associated with the high level of self-effi  cacy (p<0.05). It was concluded that Brazilian volleyball high performance context can be considered a propellant environment of LQ for the athletes. In addition, self-effi cacy is an intervening element on the LQ among high performance volleyball athletes

    Utilização do sistema CRISPR/CAS-9 no melhoramento vegetal:

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    Objetiva-se analisar as utilizações do sistema Crispr/Cas-9 no melhoramento vegetal, por meio de revisão sistemática de literatura realizada na base de dados Scopus. Elaborou-se um protocolo de pesquisa para selecionar os artigos a partir de critérios de exclusão e inclusão. Os dados desta pesquisa indicam a maior concentração de trabalhos no continente asiático, tendo a China se apresentando como principal expoente em pesquisas na área, com um foco muito grande no melhoramento de Oriza sativa e Solanum lycopersicum. Esses estudos na maioria das vezes buscam o aumento na produtividade e a tolerância a estresse abiótico e biótico isso por que há uma crescente busca por melhoria da qualidade dos grãos e melhoria da resistência a estresses diante do aquecimento climático. Palavras-chaves: Biotecnologia. Edição genética em plantas. Espécies vegetais

    Attendance by the nursing team of people with cancer in primary health care: integrative review / Acompanhamento pela equipe de enfermagem às pessoas com câncer na Atenção Primária à Saúde: revisão integrativa

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    Objective: To analyze the scientific evidence on nursing team follow-up for individuals with cancer in Primary Health Care. Methods: Integrative review using the PICo strategy. Primary articles published from 2005 to 2022 in Portuguese, English, and Spanish were included, conducting the search in six databases. The Concept Mapping strategy was used for analysis. Results: A sample of four studies was obtained, revealing that follow-up is carried out through home visits and nursing consultations. These are characterized by non-specific actions, scarcity of available resources, a fragmented and fragile information network, and a lack of communication between specialized sectors. Conclusion: In order for follow-up to occur effectively, it is necessary to establish information flows between levels of care, provide ongoing education, and offer content on oncology care from undergraduate education. DESCRIPTORS: Family health strategy; Continuity of patient care; Nursing; Cancer.Objetivo: Analizar las evidencias científicas sobre el seguimiento realizado por el equipo de enfermería a las personas con cáncer en la Atención Primaria de Salud. Métodos: Revisión integrativa utilizando la estrategia PICo. Se incluyeron artículos primarios publicados entre 2005 y 2022 en los idiomas portugués, inglés y español, realizando la búsqueda en seis bases de datos. Para el análisis, se utilizó la estrategia de Mapa Conceptual. Resultados: Se obtuvo una muestra de cuatro estudios, que mostraron que el seguimiento se realiza a través de la visita domiciliaria y la consulta de enfermería. Estos se caracterizan por la realización de acciones no específicas, la escasez de recursos disponibles, una red de información desarticulada y frágil, y la falta de comunicación entre los sectores especializados. Conclusión: Para que el seguimiento sea efectivo, es necesario establecer flujos de información entre los diferentes niveles de atención, promover la educación permanente y ofrecer contenido sobre la atención oncológica desde la formación básica. DESCRIPTORES: Estrategia salud de la familia; Continuidad de la atención al paciente; Enfermería, Cáncer.Objetivo: analisar as evidências científicas sobre o acompanhamento pela equipe de enfermagem às pessoas com câncer na Atenção Primária à Saúde. Métodos: revisão integrativa utilizando a estratégia PICo. Foram incluídos artigos primários, publicados de 2005 a 2022, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol, realizando-se a busca em seis bases de dados. Para a análise, utilizou-se a estratégia de Mapa Conceitual. Resultados: obteve uma amostra de quatro estudos, evidenciou-se que o acompanhamento se dá por meio da visita domiciliar e pela consulta de enfermagem. Estes caracterizam-se pela realização de ações inespecíficas, pela escassez de recursos disponíveis, por uma rede de informações desarticulada, frágil e pela falta de comunicação entre os setores especializados. Conclusão:  para que o acompanhamento ocorra de forma efetiva, é necessário estabelecimento de fluxos de informações entre níveis de atenção, educação permanente e oferta de conteúdo sobre assistência oncológica desde a graduação.

    Babesia spp. and Ehrlichia chaffeensis infection in Dogs from Southeastern Bahia, Brazil

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    Background: Tickborne diseases are frequent in tropical countries such as Brazil. Protozoa of the Babesia genus and bacteria of the Ehrlichia genus spread throughout the country with high prevalences in urban and rural areas, causing clinical or subclinical diseases in dogs. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of infection from Babesia spp. and Ehrlichia chaffeensis in the dog population in the municipality of Ituberá, Bahia, Brazil, and to verify the risk factors associated with the infections.Materials, Methods & Results: A cross-sectional study was conducted, consisting of the following procedures: clinical examination and blood samples collection from 380 dogs and application of a structure questionnaire to dog owners to collect epidemiological data. All dogs were evaluated for the presence of ticks and clinical signs associated with the infections. Blood samples were collected and tested for Babesia spp. through capillary blood smears, indirect immunofluorescence assays (IFAT), and polymerase chain reaction (PCR); all the samples were also tested for E. chaffeensis through nested PCR. Intra-erythrocyte piroplasms were visualized in the blood smears of two animals (2/380; 0.5%) in the cytology exams. Anti-B. canis antibodies were detected in 140/380 (36.8%) dogs, at 1:40 dilution. By PCR, 147/380 (38.7%) dogs tested positive for infection by Babesia sp., but no animal was infected by E. chaffeensis. Only 115/380 dogs (30.3%) were infested by ticks. In total, 223/380 dogs (58.7%) were found infected by Babesia spp. No clinical signs were it found to be significant for the infection. The infected (Ht = 40%) and uninfected dogs’ (Ht = 39%) hematocrit averages were not found to significantly differ (P = 0.47). No hematological changes were found to be significant for the disease. The evaluated variables sex, habitat (urban or rural), exposure to other dogs, age, and infestation by ticks were not found to be risk factors. The condition of semirestriction of 175/223 (78.4%) dogs was found as a risk factor for the infection (P = 0.01; OR = 1.75; IC 95% = 1.10-2.78).Discussion: The low detection from blood smears was inferior to the lowest prevalences found in Brazil. On the other hand, the high seroprevalence rate by IFAT observed in this study was found in other Brazilian states.  The low infection prevalence in the cytologic analysis associated with high seroprevalence are characteristics of chronic or subclinical infections. The high seroprevalence rates may also indicate chronicity and/or subclinical disease when associated with low parasitemia and may also be indicated by the low title variation observed. In this study, some dogs that tested positive for Babesia by serology tested negative in the PCR, which suggests a previously exposure to this pathogen and maintenance of detectable levels of antibodies, or that they were subclinical or chronic carriers of the infection. The equal hematocrit averages of dogs either carrying or not the disease suggests that the infected animals, especially the seemingly healthy dogs, are subclinical or chronic carriers, either asymptomatic or otherwise, that are adapted to the disease, which may contribute to the agent remaining in this population. The fact that no clinical sign of hematological change was significant for the infection may demonstrate the low pathogenicity of this agent in the evaluated population. The semi-restricted condition of the dogs as a risk factor is probably due to the increased exposure of these animals to canine babesiosis vectors during their movement through different neighborhood areas and villages in the municipality. The combination of diagnostic methods is important to identify the infection and determine its prevalence in epidemiological studies. Also, PCR was fundamental in this study, to identify the infection in asymptomatic dogs


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    Este estudo teve o objetivo de analisar as associações entre o nível de atividade física (AF) e as barreiras percebidas para a prática de atividade física em idosos da comunidade. Estudo transversal, com amostra composta por 970 idosos usuários das Academias da terceira idade do município de Maringá, Paraná. Foram excluídos também idosos com possíveis déficits cognitivos, avaliados por meio do Mini exame do estado mental, de acordo com a escolaridade dos mesmos. Foi utilizado o Questionário internacional de AF (IPAQ), versão curta, e o um questionário de barreiras para a prática de AF. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio do Software SPSS versão 22.0, utilizando-se estatística descritiva e inferencial. Compromissos familiares, falta de clima adequado, falta de espaço disponível, tarefas domésticas, limitações físicas, dores leves ou mal-estar, falta de energia, falta de habilidades físicas e falta de conhecimento sobre AF foram significativamente (p<0,05) mais frequentes entre os idosos fisicamente ativos. Conlui-se que os idosos fisicamente ativos relataram mais barreiras para a prática de AF. Os achados deste estudo evidenciam a importância de programas que promovam a atividade física durante o envelhecimento

    Epidemiologic analysis of salivary gland tumors over a 10-years period diagnosed in a northeast Brazilian population

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    Salivary gland tumors (SGT) correspond to a heterogeneous group of lesions with variable biological behavior. The present study aimed to determine the distribution and demographic findings of salivary gland neoplasms in a northeast Brazilian population. A retrospective descriptive cross-sectional study was performed. A total of 588 cases of SGT were diagnosed between 2006 and 2016 of 4 pathology services in the state of Sergipe, Brazil. All cases were reviewed, and data such as sex, age, anatomical location, and histopathological diagnosis were collected. A total of 470 (79.9%) tumors were benign and 118 (20.1%) were malignant. The majority of the patients were females (n=328, 55.8%) with an overall female:male ratio of 1.2:1. The major salivary glands were affected more than the minor glands (69.5% vs. 30.5%). Pleomorphic adenoma (n=419, 71.3%) and mucoepidermoid carcinoma (n=29, 4.9%) were the most frequent benign and malignant tumors, respectively. In addition, both benign and malignant tumors occurred more frequently in the parotid gland (n=300, 51%, p<0.05). The epidemiologic profile and clinical characteristics of SGT were similar to those described in other countries and other regions of Brazil. Epidemiological studies of SGT help to understand their clinical and pathological features and are essential to establish the proper management and prognosis


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    Abstract Objective: analyze the prevalence of recurrent wheezing and its risk factors. Method: systematic literature review, guided by the research question &quot;what is the prevalence of recurrent wheezing and its risk factors?&quot;. The search was performed in the databases MedLine and LILACS, in April and May 2013. The inclusion criteria were: scientific study, fully available, published between 2002 and 2013, with free access. Results: wheezing presents a higher prevalence in developing countries, possibly due to poor socioeconomic conditions. Among its risk factors, we find heredity, mother&apos;s education level, attendance of day nursery, smoking during pregnancy, breastfeeding for &lt; 3 months, animals in the household of children, among others. Conclusion: in Latin America, the prevalence of wheezing shows to be high and the use of non-standardized instruments hampers its treatment

    Autonomic Nervous System and Allergic Diseases: Integrative Literature Review

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    Introduction: Allergic diseases have their incidence constantly increased especially asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema or atopic dermatitis. The causes related with the appearance of these diseases such as the environment, hereditary and others are unable to explain certain behaviors. Changes in the autonomic nervous system (ANS) are cited as one of the factors that may contribute to the onset of exacerbations. Objective: Identify the autonomic nervous system´s behavior in allergic diseases. Methods: Integrative literature review conducted from the following databases: Scielo, Lilacs and PubMed. The keywords used were autonomic nervous system, asthma, allergic rhinitis and eczema in Portuguese, English and Spanish languages. Four articles were selected for this review. Results: The selected articles point to an increased activity of the parasympathetic nervous system or decreased activity of the sympathetic system in cases of allergic rhinitis. With asthma, it is believed that the changes in the ANS are secondary to diseases. Articles about atopic eczema were not found using the selected words to search. Conclusion: There is evidence of changes in the ANS in allergic diseases, however, there is so far no study that states which system excels, only that the parasympathetic is more active or that the sympathetic is in underactivity